Friday, February 15, 2013

The Balanced Woman

I have often asked myself what it means to grow up a girl and become a woman. The issues we face, the transitions that occur, the stages of growing up, and challenges we overcome.  I have often felt alone in a room full of people and sometimes even more alone in a room full of women. I am not sure why. I know we face similar issues, transitions, and challenges. Why are we silent when so many of us are screaming inside?

The balanced woman will be a blog that will allow woman to read stories and information about the challendges we all face and spend time reflecting. It will also provide advice from my life experiences. My ultimate goal is to bring women together and to find solutions or at least a travelers guide to navigating what we all experience in life.

I think girls and women have many different faces. We are forced to wear some faces because of society, some to cover up our true feelings, and others when we are truly ourselves. I want to discover what it means to face life head on as a girl and woman and come out on the other side happy and fulfilled. I honestly do not think that many of us are truly happy. There are moments of happiness, but we put on a face when things are not going right. I just know that I can't be the only one that feels this way.

The balanced woman is an attempt to reach for the stars and for what we want most in life. Let's talk about the issues and live our best life.


  1. I agree. I think, too, (and as you will soon find out:)) that mothers lose themselves in their kids and/or spouses. It's so important to hold fast to our identities as women first. We can't be good to others if we are mot first good to ourselves.

    1. Becca,
      Thanks so much for your post. I am a mother to be and I know that I have to be good to myself in order to be good my daughter and my husband. I will think of your post and remind myself of that.

      Finding that balance in life is a day to day activity. I will soon find out what I must do in order to take care of myself and a baby. I am reminded of the times that I have been on an airplane and the attendant reminds us that we must first put the oxygen mask on ourselves before we can put it on anyone else.

      What is something that we can all do today for ourselves?
